
Heading for a 2020 paperless registration for transfer of immovable - Supplementary working document 28.12.2016
Speeches on the occasion of the opening of the Symposium 11.12.2016 Speeches on the occasion of the opening of the Symposium, held at Parliament Building, Valletta, Malta, on the 25th October, 2016, as part of the activities of the European Day of Civil Justice.  Speeches addressed by by Dr.Raul Radoi, Dr. Pete...
Council's President speech on the occasion of the opening of the Symposium 11.12.2016 Opening Speech by Notary Joseph Abela, President of Il-Kunsill Nutarili, Malta on the occasion of the opening of the Symposium, held at Parliament Building, Valletta, Malta, on the 25th October, 2016, as part of the activities of the European Da...
Indirizz tal-Ispeaker tal-Kamra, dwar il-Professjoni Nutarili fil-Jum Ewropew tal-Ä ustizzja 11.12.2016 L-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, il-Parlament ta’ Malta, AnÄ¡lu Farrugia,  dalgħodu indirizza lil dawk preżenti fil-ftuħ ta’ Symposium fil-Jum Ewropew tal-Ä ustizzja “Synergies of Certainty: The Notarial Profession B...
Matrimonial Regimes Q & A 14.10.2016 Information leaflet on Matrimonial Regimes applicable in Malta
Property Conveyancing Q & A 14.10.2016 Information leaflet on Immovable Property Transfer in Malta
Succession Q & A 14.10.2016 Information leaflet on Estate Planning and Succession in Malta
2020 Paperless registration for immovable - Initial Working Document 31.08.2016
New Code of Ethics 2016 20.02.2016
Kodici ta' Etika 2016 20.02.2016