On acquiring and disposing of immovable property in Malta, any person, whether juridical or physical, is subject to taxation according to the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act, Chapter 364 of the Laws of Malta and the Income Tax Management Act, Chapter 372 of the Laws of Malta and the Income Tax Act, Chapter 123 of the Laws of Malta.
The Buyer
- 5% Duty on Documents calculated on the purchase price of the immovable property
If the Buyer is a European Union Citizen declaring on deed that he shall reside in the property being purchased as his sole ordinary residence, then the preferential rate of 3.5% is applied on the first €150,000 of the price.
In respect of transfers of immovable property, made on or after the 5th November 2013 but before the 1st July 2015, no duty shall be chargeable on the first €150,000 of the aggregate value of the consideration paid for the acquisition of such property, provided that this is the first immovable property acquired inter vivos by such person.
The Seller:
Are there any exceptions?
There are two exceptions as follows:
- In the case of individuals who do not carry on the business of property trading, the applicable final withholding tax rate shall be 5% on the value of the property transferred if the property is transferred before five years from the date of its acquisition.
- In the case of properties acquired before the 1st January 2004 in respect of which a notice of a promise of sale or transfer relating to that property had not been given to the Commissioner before the 17th November, 2014, the applicable final withholding tax rate shall be 10% of the value of the property transferred.
Will it be possible to elect to exclude a transfer property from the scope of the final withholding tax system on or after the 1st January 2015?
Before the 1st January 2015 the transferor in a transfer of property made not later than twelve years after the date of the acquisition thereof or of property situated within a special designated area could elect by means of a declaration made to the notary at the time of the publication of the deed of the transfer and recorded in the said deed to exclude that transfer from the scope of the final withholding tax system. However as from 1st January 2015 it will no longer be possible to elect to exclude such transfers from the scope of the final withholding tax system except for limited cases explained further below.
What happens in the case of transfers made on or after the 1st January, 2015 of property that forms part of a project or of property situated within a special designated area?
In the case of transfers made on or after the 1st January, 2015 of property that forms part of a project or of property situated within a special designated area, where the transferor had elected to be excluded from the 12% final tax system such an election will no longer apply as from 1st January 2015 and any transfers taking place after this date will be subject to either 8% final withholding tax or else 10% final withholding tax in the case where the property was acquired before the 1st January, 2004, unless a notice of a promise of sale or transfer relating to the property has been given to the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of article 3(6) of the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act made under that Act before the 17th November, 2014. If such notice was given, the property transferred in respect of which such notice was given will remain outside the scope of the final withholding tax system if transferred before 12 years from the date of acquisition unless the property is situated in a special designated area, in which case it will remain outside the scope of the final withholding tax system indefinitely.
Where the transferor had not elected to be excluded from the 12% final tax system any transfers taking place after the 1st January, 2015 shall be subject to either 8% final withholding tax or else 10% final withholding tax in the case where the property was acquired before the 1st January, 2004 unless a notice of a promise of sale or transfer relating to the property has been given to the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of article 3(6) of the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act made under that Act before the 17th November, 2014. If such notice was given the property transferred in respect of which such notice was given shall be subject to 12% final withholding tax.
Are there any circumstances where an election may still be made to exclude the transfer from final withholding tax system and elect to be taxed on the profit or gain?
Yes, the following have remained unchanged:
- A transfer of property that was, immediately before the transfer, co-owned by two individuals and the transfer is made by one of the co-owners to the other. An election may still be made to exclude the transfer from the scope of article 5A.
- A transfer of property to the Government of Malta made pursuant to an acquisition of that property in terms of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance. An election may still be made to exclude the transfer from the scope of article 5A.
- A transfer made by means of a judicial sale by auction or in the course of a winding up by the Court. Such transfer is not taxable under article 5A.
- A transfer of property that had been used in a business for a period of at least three years and that is replaced within one year by property ("the new property") used solely for a similar purpose of the business. An election may still be made to exclude the transfer from the scope of article 5A.
Do the exemptions prescribed under article 5A(4) of the Income Tax Act still apply?
Yes, all the exemptions (described below) prescribed under article 5A (4) of the Income Tax Act have remained the same.
- A donation made by a person to his spouse, to his descendant or ascendant in the direct line, or to the spouse of any such descendant or ascendant, or, in the absence of any descendants in the direct line, to his brother or sister or to a descendant of his brother or sister, or to a philanthropic institution approved for the purposes of article 12(1)(e).
- A transfer of property that has been owned and occupied by the transferor as his own residence for a period of at least three consecutive years immediately preceding the date of transfer and provided that the property is disposed of within twelve months of vacating the premises.
- The assignment of property between spouses consequent to a judicial or consensual separation or a divorce.
- The assignment of property that formed part of the community of acquests between the spouses or was otherwise owned in common between them, to one of the spouses on the dissolution of the community, or the partition of such property between the spouses or the surviving spouse and the heirs of the deceased spouse.
- A transfer of property from one company to another forming part of the same group.
- The transfer of property upon the incorporation of a business or a partnership en nom collectif as a going concern into a limited liability company.
- The settlement of property on trust, or the distribution or reversion of property settled on trust, or the transfer of all the property of a trust involving only a change in the trustee of a trust and where there is no change in the beneficiaries or in the beneficial interest.
- A transfer of property by a company to its shareholder or to an individual related to its shareholder in the course of winding up or in the course of a distribution of assets pursuant to a scheme of distribution.
How am I taxed if I acquired the property by donation?
A transfer of property that was acquired by the transferor in terms of a donation made more than five years before the date of the transfer in question, shall be chargeable at 12% of the excess, if any, of the transfer value over its acquisition value.
How am I taxed if I sell the property on or after the 1st January, 2015 in the circumstances referred to in article 31C(1) of the Income Tax Act?
A transfer of property, which has been restored in accordance with any scheme issued for this purpose by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority providing for the restoration of grade 1 or grade 2 scheduled property or property situated in an urban conservation area, made on or after the 1st January, 2015, shall be chargeable at the rate of 10% of the transfer value if a notice of a promise of sale or transfer relating to that property has been given to the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of article 3(6) of the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act or of rules made under that Act before the 17th November, 2014.
A transfer of property made on or after the 1st January, 2015 in the circumstances referred to in article 31C (1) of the Income Tax Act, shall be chargeable at the rate of 7% of the transfer value. The 7% tax is final.
How am I taxed in the case of an assignment of a right obtained in terms of a promise of sale (konvenju)?
Any gains or profits derived from the assignment of any right obtained in terms of a promise of sale (konvenju), including a promise to alienate in any manner immovable property or a promise in respect of emphyteusis, shall in all cases be deemed to be gains or profits derived from a trade, business, profession or vocation falling within the scope of article 4(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act to be declared in the tax return.
Disclaimer: While the Notarial Council endeavours to present the most current information, please consult a notary, legal or tax professional for legal advice.